// 5 Top Benefits Of Site Hoarding | Future Signs

5 Top Benefits Of Site Hoarding

As a construction site manager, you have a responsibility to ensure your site is safe and secure, whilst also being set up to ensure project deadlines are easily met, and that the budget is kept under tight control. One of the choices you may have to make regarding the safe and efficient running of the site is whether to hire and install site hoarding, be it to enclose the whole site or a particular section of the site.

But, is site hoarding worth the investment? To help answer that question, we’ve put together this short article, looking into some of the powerful benefits that come with hiring or buying, and installing site hoarding.

1. Site hoarding secures a site

Construction sites are prime targets for thieves, with incidences of burglary rising year in and year out. And it’s not hard to see why building sites are targeted when you think of the expensive materials and tools up for grabs.

With the installation of decent site hoarding however, as well as being a visual deterrent, it creates the ideal physical barrier to opportunist thieves, and can also be fitted with CCTV, security lights, and a modern access control system.

5 Top Benefits Of Site Hoarding

2. Site hoarding protects the public

As any construction site manager will know, when managing a site, protecting the public from the danger of working machinery, site vehicles, falling objects, trips and slips etc, is essential at all times.

Modern site hoarding hired from a reputable provider will be aligned with all the relevant health and safety regulations, and provide a clearly defined and robust barrier to public access around the whole site. And, to further protect the public, whether they’re sensible adults or mischievous or inquisitive children, site hoarding can also be adorned with relevant health and safety instructions as well as prominent warning signage.

3. Site hoarding keeps things private

Many construction sites need to be kept under wraps until they’re completed, for various reasons. And even if not specified by the client, construction workers don’t necessarily want to be overlooked by prying eyes.

Site hoarding, aka ‘building hoarding’ or ‘construction site hoarding’, is the ideal way to shield the project from view until the big reveal, and to protect the workers' privacy until the project is completed.

4. Site hoarding can help prevent road accidents

This one might sound a bit of an odd one, but decent site hoarding that shields a construction site and all the ‘fascinating’ activities that go on, can be an excellent tool to help prevent road accidents on the surrounding roads.

The reason for this is that good site hoarding will include panels installed at most drivers' eye levels, therefore preventing them from getting distracted when a digger is operating or sparks are tumbling from an angle grinder.

5. Site hoarding is the perfect advertising tool

Whether it’s to advertise the project or to provide advertising for a private client, site hoarding panels provide the ideal opportunity to create a stunning, visual campaign, likely to get seen by thousands of passers-by.

If you are going to use your site hoarding as an advertising tool, make sure to use a site hoarding provider skilled in large-format printing techniques and preferably one with a team of experienced and knowledgeable graphic designers.

Contact Us

If you’re looking for site hoarding, building wraps or any other type of external or internal signage, contact Future Signs & Graphics Ltd, one of the UK's leading signage specialists.